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Purchase membership

Start up membership:  £50 pm +VAT
Bronze membership:    £135pm +VAT
Silver membership: £250pm +VAT
Gold membership: £500 pm +VAT



We require standing order  / direct debit set up to start your membership. This is a 12 month roll over membership.
Please set up payment dates on the same date of each following month after this, you may make your first payment for the 
current date you start the membership. 

Start up members are required to upgrade, the moment they have more than one service users allocated to them as new placements.



Social care alliance Ltd (Metro bank)

Account number: 43524542

Sort code: 23 - 05 -80

VAT registered number 439 1047 01


Best regards,

Social Care Alliance

You are strongly advised to attend the monthly induction session via Zoom access so as to get a firm understanding of the true value of membership and how to make the best out of it. The membership benefits extends to all your care or support divisions and all members of your staff  can access the support line between 10pm and  6pm. 

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