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Available to semi-independent living service, Ofsted  /CQC regulated care providers

Our training facilities are delivered through partnerships with experienced and accredited training providers who are regulated and appraised by the awarding bodies as registered training centers for mandatory and secondary training courses. SCA also offers better practice training courses that offer CPD points.


You may contact our training manager who is available to guide you on managing a compliant level training plan for your staff with the use of our training matrix. For our subscribing member providers - lower prices are negotiated with providers who offer excellent support and training needs to suit Semi-independent living, CQC-regulated, and Ofsted-regulated care provider organisations.


We often arrange monthly and quarterly joint training amongst member providers which further reduces the costs of training compared to training staff for one organisation. Remote and live courses are available to suit the work time of staff. Do request the training timetable for the year.



The SCA Training matrix 
This is a well-designed software that categorises mandatory and secondary training courses with alerts for refresher dates, planned completion, and start dates. The template splits into managers and fronline staff training lists. It gives a complete idea of what is mandatory and what are good practice training courses staff should be completing, and adheres to the usual UK local authority service specifications.  The courses are also listed in line with CQC /Ofsted staff development expectations.  


The default list of mandatory and secondary courses can be edited to suit a provider's training policy where mandatory  /secondary courses can be altered to reflect what is more important in terms of the specific care /support & accommodation the provider organisation specializes in or offers as a niche service. For quick training and qualification audits, the matrix has an auto-fill course summary showing what number of staff have completed or are currently training to complete a course. Provider management can set up training plans for the entire staff as well as collective targets to ensure staff and manager's training is robust and extensive to meet the needs of the service user as well as the skills and knowledge required to run the accommodation safely and to high-quality standards.

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CQC Adult services champion

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CQC Adult services champion

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OFSTED Residential homes champion

© 2019 by Reach Centrica

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